Stacey Smith Law
Practice Areas:
QDROs, QDROs, QDROs! - (Qualified) Domestic Relations Orders and related legal and consulting services pertaining to the division and transfer of retirement benefits due to divorce or legal separation. Consultation services provided to litigants and/or their divorce attorneys, at the pre-divorce and/or post-divorce stages of your domestic relations case.
About Stacey Smith
Stacey was an associate attorney with the premier Eugene family law firm of Spinner Law Group (formerly Spinner & Schrank) from 1998 through 2017, practicing exclusively in divorce and family law, including estate planning. Since 2005 her practice has increasingly focused on QDROs (court orders that authorize and direct retirement plans to administer/distribute benefits to a plan participant's spouse or former spouse).
Stacey's current law practice is exclusively (Q)DROs and related legal services. She works with clients, attorneys and retirement plan administrators in divorce and post-divorce settings to develop & implement sound strategies for identifying, securing and transferring retirement benefits to a party's spouse or former spouse. The information and expert guidance that Stacey brings to your case (or to your family law client's case) will ensure effective, comprehensive settlement negotiations or effective trial presentations concerning disposition of retirement benefits, so the resulting court order (divorce judgment) provides the necessary and complete foundation for the subsequent QDRO. Stacey also prepares the QDRO(s) in an expedient and professional manner, and follows up to insure that the retirement plan administrator approves and administers the QDRO according to its terms.
Stacey has written and presented extensively on 'QDROs' and related topics, including the following:
“Dividing PERS Benefits in Divorce” – Multnomah County Bar (May 2023); Deschutes County Bar (Oct. 2023)
“Advanced QDRO & ERISA Topics” – Portland, OR – November 2021, Nov.2022, Nov. 2023
“Righting the Divorce Judgment: Creating a Solid Foundation for the (Q)DRO & Avoiding Malpractice Claims” – Family Law Section of the Lane Co. Bar Assoc. & Lane Co. Family Law Advisory Committee – Eugene, OR November 2017; Eugene, OR 2021
“QDROphenia: The Who, What, When, Where & How of (Q)DROs – Indispensable Basics for Divorce Practitioners – Case Inception to General Judgment” – OSB Family Law Section Annual Conference 2015 & 2016
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Stacey's Curriculum Vitae
qdro attorney eugene qdro lawyer eugene attorney eugene qdro lawyer eugene qdro qualified domestic relations order eugene lawyer qualified domestic relations order eugene attorney

Practice Areas
QDROs - Domestic Relations Orders and related legal and consulting services pertaining to division and transfer of retirement benefits due to divorce or legal separation

University of Oregon School of Law (J.D. 1998)
University of Oregon School of Law (Estate Planning Program Statement of Completion 1998)
University of California, Irvine (B.A. History 1995) (cum laude)

Stacey has spent her life on the West Coast, first in California and for the past 28 years in Oregon. She's an avid swimmer, nature-lover and skier, who spends most of her time with family and a dog. She is a passionate student of American history.
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Stacey Smith Law
P.O. Box 50244
Eugene, OR 97405
tel: 541.504.6985
fax: 503.660.4066
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